Make circularity part of your companies´ strategy.

The Circular Economy is a major component of Europe’s future net-zero competitiveness and for the attainment of the global SDG. The political course has been set and there is no way back.

This decision entails tremendous opportunities for companies worldwide. Decision makers and professionals along the value chain must be able to anticipate those future opportunities. Only then, they can successfully adapt to the changing landscape and transform the way we create products, services and systems in and for the Circular Economy.

New markets

Circular Eco­nomy bases on a new approach of value cre­ation and capture. Circular products and business models will emerge. This creates new markets and new market dynamics.

Creation for or at least adap­tation to the Circular Eco­nomy means to future-proof your business.

Customer relations

Business models in the Cir­cular Eco­nomy base on more intense cus­tomer re­lations. This can result in a deeper un­der­stan­ding of the cus­tomers needs, a higher quality of your offer­ings and a more tar­ge­ted in­no­vation.

Embracing the Circular Economy promises higher returns per cus­tomer.


Value cre­ation in the Cir­cular Eco­nomy bases on strong allian­ces along the value chain. These sruc­tures pro­vide oppor­tuni­ties for ever new business models.The collaborateurs win together or they loose together.

This dynamic strengthens the position of the in­di­vi­dual part­ners in the value chain


Here is how I can support you:

Competence building

The transition to a sustainable, net-zero, Circular Economy comes with many challenges. For companies to succeed, employees in all positions need sustainability literacy.

Universities are starting to implement sustainability knowledge into their courses. However, the decision makers in your company need that knowledge right know.  

As passionate educator, I train sustainability professionals on all levels since more then 12 years. I have a track record of development and facilitation of about 300 training sessions. 

I provide services, courses and deep-learnings around sustainability topics such as Circular Economy, Life Cycle Assessment or Climate Change.

As a result of my trainings, professionals can make good informed decisions more quickly, avoid risks, build on opportunities and secure future customers and markets. 

Strategy Development: Identify and create your circular opportunities

What does your market in a net-zero economy look like? Who will be part of your value chain? What might be short- and long term risks to consider? What opportunities does all this provide for you?

I provide proven frameworks for you to identify your circular potential and evaluate it. From there, we develop a circular strategy.

However, the Circular Economy is just emer­ging. That means, it is subject to con­stant change. To stay abreast of those changes, we inte­grate the possibi­lity to adjust your solution to the dy­na­mic of the markets.

Circular Business Model Innovation: Strengthen your competitiveness

In a net-zero Circular Economy, resource consumption will be decoupled from economic growth. To remain competitive, any company will have to play their part in that decoupling – either for their own resource use or as an enabler for and other players.

What will your offers look like in such a net-zero circular market? How will you capture the value of circularily designed products? With whom will you collaborate along the value chain and in which way?

To develop fitting circular services for your future net-zero market, I support you with my long-time expertise and provide you with tested processes and frameworks.

Circular Product Design: The foundation for circular products

To decouple resource consumption and make Circular Business Models work, we need to design physcial products differently.

What potential do your products have to become circular? How would a potential solutionfit into the developing circular value chain? Will this solution support your overall sustainability strategy?

There are many options to make a products resource flow more circular. With my experience, I support you to identify your bespoke options and decide for the most promising ones. 

“During our work together since 2018, Susanne has proven that she is excellent in framing circular innovation projects despite the unknowns. Within this frame, she understands superb to lead the project content step by step, make the complexity tangible to the team and build robust solutions upon the learnings.

Especially during 2020, when the COVID pandemic put additional uncertainties on the projects, she showed her talent to anticipate economic developments as well as her dedication and capability to make circular projects a success.

I value Susanne for her broad knowledge not only of circular economy and environmental issues but also of business administration and economy. Beyond that, I appreciate working with Susanne because of her positive attitude and her boldness in bringing issues forward.”

– Prof. Dr. Hannes Utikal, Director at Center for Industry and Sustainbility (ZIN)


The economic landscape is transforming rapidly.  Companies have to endure a lot of uncertainties and unknowns, which can impede resolute  and confident decision making.

I help you to analyse and understand the implications of the currently changing landscape to your business model and services, especially regarding risks & opportunities and their potential courses of action. 

I support you to identify your next steps and develop robust sustainable and circular solutions. As  a result, you can move more quickly, make better informed decisions and capitalise on the opportunities of a net-zero economy.


Education and competence building I offer to companies of all sizes, industries or sustainability maturity. The education will be bespoke to you and your teams needs.

Circular solution development I also offer regardless company size or industry. However, I only work with companies who are commited to take the next step to transformation.


That depends for one of course on the human and financial resources you are willing to provide for the development process. Are you commited to make spending development-time a priority?

It also depends on the size of the solution. How many stakeholders along the value chain will be part of the strategy? Can you rely on already available information or technologies? Are your plans in line with existing or upcoming policies?

In general, three to twelve month can be a realistic guess. However, let´s talk about the details first.

do you also provide online workshops?

Yes. While I used to conduct all workshops on-site, since the Corona pandemic I created all of my workhops as online format. In fact, it turned out that the online format allows for a much more flexible and effective integration into the participants workday and even deepens the long-term learning experience.

However, some learning objectives or topics still demand personal interaction. Therefore, I am happy to provide any workshop as on-site event also.

Do you offer key note speaches?

Yes, I do. I am happy to light the fire of passion for sustainability and circular solutions. I do so on live, online or hybride events.